Kim has truly been an amazing support and I can't thank her enough for her kindness throughout this entire process. Before working with Kim, I felt completely hopeless. My sister, who was my best friend, had unexpectedly passed away and within a few months I found out my baby boy had special needs. I was devastated and spent 2 years grieving the loss of my sister and the healthy child I was never going to have. I was constantly crying and wasn't able to think of anything hopeful. My state of mind was very negative and I felt as though I had a huge grey cloud hanging over me. I am a spiritual persona and knowing that whatever energy I was giving out, it was affecting my child and his recovery but I jut couldn't get myself through it. I felt completely hopeless.
Kim has been doing healing sessions for both me and my son for the past several months and she has been so accommodating and ever so wonderful. I have felt and noticed so many positive changes. To start with, I feel hopeful. Although there are days when I feel scared about my child's future I am more often very optimistic about how things will be. I think it goes hand in hand with that I have seen so many positive changes in him. He's a very different boy to how he was several months ago. In just a few months his personality has blossomed. He is so much more awake and interested in what's going on around him. He is smiley and engaged and interactive with me, his dad and his siblings. He is taking more and more steps and I'm sure he will be walking soon.
I still don't fully understand how it works but I know that it has been a tremendous help for both me and my son. I'm starting to feel like I'm living a "normal" life again. I don't cry every day and most of all I 'm hopeful and enjoying life more again. My son is improving each week and I'm so grateful with the relationship that we now have.
I am forever grateful for the kindness Kim has shown and for what she has done for me and my son. I'm so thankful that the universe brought us together. I have felt very overwhelmed that someone whom I have never met before has been so kind and generous. I highly highly recommend KIm. It is truly amazing what she is able to do. Thank you, KIm, you are a blessing!
~Linda (and son) from the United Kingdom
Our naturopath referred my daughter to meet with Kim because she had lower back pain that was not specific to anything that she could diagnose. She felt that her pain could be stemming from trauma caused during her birth. My daughter suffered an in utero stroke and was born with a condition called hemiplegia. Hemiplegia is basically weakness on one side of the body and in her case it has effected her right side. It hinders her fine motor skills, balance, and coordination. It also makes her left side have to compensate for the weakness on her right, so unfortunately she has a lot of aches and pains. She worked with a physical therapist as well as a chiropractor to try to alleviate the persistent back pain to no avail. We decided to meet with Kim for a healing session. I was not very familiar with Quantum Touch or Emotion Code and was skeptical to this healing modality. I can say now that I will never doubt it again as my daughter's back has been pain free for 1 year. Kim was wonderful with discussing the process with my daughter prior to her healing session. My daughter was comfortable and trusting to her every touch. I can't express enough gratitude to Kim for the pain relief she has given my daughter. Thank you Kim!!
I wanted to tell you personally that the things that have been going on in my life in the last few weeks have been nothing short of magical! My energetic flow is starting to feel like it did when I was in my 20s and 30s! Thank you so so much for everything, I feel as if life is beginning all over again for me at 51:)
I have been driving to my sister's frequently, and it feels amazing! But so much more has been happening too... I returned home and received a phone call that I landed an interview for entry-level job at a place that I've been dreaming of working for two years. I took the interview and found out I got the job two days after the interview!
And I wanted to personally thank you for bringing magic back into my experience. And I have a feeling this is far from all I will experience:) I am so absolutely grateful for you and your gifts; it’s no exaggeration to say that I feel as if the life of my dreams is finally within reach. Because I finally believe that all that I dream about is possible, and is blooming into fruition right in front of me🌷 ~Katie
[while supervised under the care of medical professionals]
Since you have begun working with him, Matt has been way more responsive and open the past few days. He called me first thing yesterday morning to tell me he loves me and that he is grateful for me. Today he told me he hasn't felt suicidal for at least 24 hours which is huge! Two weeks ago, when we first started discussing how we would get him to Connecticut for his residential program next week, he really didn't trust himself to be safe alone in the car while I drove and wanted me to bring his uncle to ensure everyone's safety. Now he says he feels completely safe and like he's starting to trust himself again. This is such a huge step for him. All of the ages that you have listed on your report align with the more traumatic moments of my marriage. It makes complete sense and I'm grateful that you are working with him. Thank you so much!
Kim has been working with my horse for several months. The work she has done to help him release blocked emotions has helped him to become calmer and more comfortable while allowing me to understand him and connect with him. Her work with him has helped him to physically release tension in areas that have been holding him back in his performance as a competition athlete. The best part about Kim working with my horse is how happy he is while she is working with him. It's obvious that his mood is elevated and he enjoys their time together.
It has been about ten days since my son last woke up screaming! It is truly amazing having a boy who sleeps soundly and feels safe! We had tried so many things and made a lot of progress, but this was the icing on the cake. We had gotten it down to just one or two massive wake ups a night, but now if he wakes up he calls quietly for us to come give him an extra hug and goes back to sleep! We can't thank you enough!
Kim is incredibly skilled and very efficient at moving energy. She has done quantum touch as well as emotion code with me several times and I always feel the energy moving thru my body. I feel she always does a wonderful job explaining what she is doing and how it works. Kim is also very intuitive about what my body needs and how it needs to release it. She is extremely knowledgeable, kind and very good at what she does. I feel like a new person after working with Kim and releasing old emotions and releasing pain in my body. I also feel that emotion code and quantum touch are great modalities that have helped me immensely.
Max is definitely much improved. The other day I walked him by 5 landscaping trucks and there were guys everywhere doing various noisy things and he was able to focus on the food I was feeding him! HUGE! It all makes sense that this fear originated from his birth when him and his stray mother were rescued with a chainsaw when they were trapped under a deck. Thank you so much.
I was skeptical of energy work but desperate to find relief. Feeling like I had nothing to lose, I gave it a try. Turning 40 has been a life changing experience for me. Different aches on my body seem to creep up out of no where. The latest and most annoyingly debilitating is tendinitis in my right leg. I am pretty active and like to go on long walks and hikes. The dull aches from the tendinitis made this impossible. Kim worked on me and I felt relief from the first session. I could feel the energy moving down my leg and out of my foot. I have never felt any sensation like this before. After our session, I continued to feel energy move through my hands in a tingling sensation. Along with this, was a sense of calm that I haven't felt in years. The next day my symptoms came back and I again felt pain. After another session, the pain was gone for weeks!! I finally had some real relief.
I had no idea that energy healing could help with acute illnesses. I called Kim to see if she could help my young children with recurring sore throats, sinus infections and ear infections. I don't live near Kim so I chose for her to do the appointments virtually. I was astonished the first time she worked on them. My daughter, who was in a tremendous amount of discomfort from her ear infection, got incredible relief within 30 minutes that Kim finished her session with her. By the next morning, she was back to her normal self. I had a similar experience with my son and an upper respiratory infection. I have since utilized Kim's services on several occasions to help them heal from whatever bugs they are exposed to. My kids even ask me now, "Mommy, can you call that energy lady to help me?" I am grateful for the relief that energy work has given my children.
I have clenched my jaws for several years causing me to have poor sleep. Kim used Emotion Code to free the trapped energy in my jaw and now my sleep has improved dramatically.
My son has a severe allergy to peanuts, tree nuts, dogs and cats. His nut and pet allergy has caused him to go into anaphylaxis. He has done total avoidance of all his allergies for 13 years. With two sessions with Kim and continued shots for immunotherapy for his pet allergy, he has gained exceptional results. He can now have a pet, which we just adopted a cat this past December and has no need for an antihistamine and shows no sign of having a pet allergy. For us it is a miracle. My son and I have not a single doubt that Kim’s treatment along with the immunotherapy has given him the healing within his body that modern medicine can’t give which in turn gave him exceptional results. My son who was once skeptical is no longer. In October he will go in for food testing for some of his nut allergies and we will keep you posted on those results. Thank you Kim for helping my son with his allergy journey and making him the cat dad of his dreams. ~Allison
I can raise my left eye brow better! The muscle around my eye was weak, and had a constant pain, which is now gone.... and that muscle feels so much stronger now! I also feel like a lot of anxiety and depression is gone! I have a lot more confidence today! And my throat feels stronger, like I can talk a lot more, and it's coming out a lot more clearly!! This is truly exciting!!! I can't wait to continue working with you!!! ~Anne
For one, in my business, I literally attracted a free house. I'm a real estate investor and I advertise to find motivated sellers who don't want their houses. This guy literally is giving me the house because he had to evict bad tenants and doesn't have the experience of dealing with all the repairs, etc. So he's not even selling it, he's giving it away. And I've put together several deals since then that will bring in tens of thousands of dollars in fees to me. On top of all that, I've found that the unworthiness I have felt my whole life is no longer there. The usual triggers that bring it are not triggering it anymore. The 2 biggest were beautiful women and beautiful houses, and I'm able to approach both without fear of needing anything. I'm very excited to see what continues develop in my life over the next few months! Thank you so much for being such a force of light in this world! ~Marc
I had started a journey last year of finding relief for severe pain and had a SCIO session. The practitioner mentioned the Emotion Code book which I had partially read when I came to Quantum Orgins. I was so happy to find Kim a local resource to do an energy healing. The science to me is fascinating and makes so much sense. I think it helps to understand a bit about how our emotions are energy like anything else. I wanted to see if I had trappped emotions. After my initial session I felt lighter. The pit in my chest that had been there for many years was somehow gone. I loved that I received a report of what emotions were cleared and from what age they had been trapped. I do think it would help to understand what triggered those emotions although it’s not necessary in order for them to be cleared. It was interesting to see the emotions that were trapped were different than ones I expected. I look forward to another session to see if I have a heart wall as well. ~Maria
After a few session with Kim I'm noticing that my worthiness is shining through. Things I used to accept in the past due to fear of lack or loosing are not as strong as they used to be. I also feel better in my body and mind. ~Alyssa
Thank you for your care. I appreciate your light hearted, friendly manner, and reassurance. I also appreciate your new perspective on this very challenging issue, for which conventional medicine has little to offer. I look forward to the relaxation and sense of calm of the visits and the knowing that we are chipping away at releasing barriers to healing. I do feel lighter after each visit, and am starting to feel a sense of deserving and hope for improvement.
Thank you again,
From the moment Kim does what ever it is that she does, a sense of well being happens that I can't quite explain. I am just lying down while I know Kim is waving her hands over me and when she is done a subtle shift has happened. In the next several days to come, I make sure to drink lots of water and I really notice things in the world differently and I feel differently. I feel like emotion code is cheating on cleaning my emotional baggage. I feel an energetic shift within me that's so healing and has to help me. I highly recommend Kim's Quantum Origins to anyone and everyone. I can't wait to see the long term changes this will make.
I truly feel a positive difference in my life since you're energy sessions that I can't quite express because it feels like somehow I'm cheating in my health and wellness because all I do is lie there or sit there and you do all the work clearing bad energy and fixing me. You are attuned to my subconscious and that is way cool that I can feel my past anguish subtly released and processed out in time. I saw with different eyes and felt a new perspective that anyone could benefit from. Good change can only come from this. I really feel blessed for a natural way of healing the body. Kim offers just that. ~Sue
My initial interaction was a a sound bath. We did not speak, interact or even discuss any concerns. On the paper, I wrote “whatever is for my highest and best” The emotions and ages undoubtedly correlated to events in my life. This “appetizer” as Kim described it had me so intrigued that I booked a one on one. My intention was to work on some long standing knee pain. I walk a lot, I went to PT, stretched, yoga and used acupressure mats. All of which would provide some relief, but nothing sustained. I had so many knots, tension and pain it would wake me up often during the night. One session with Kim and it had improved immediately. As an energy worker myself, I understand and know the body keeps score. AGAIN, the emotions/energy/ages associated with what we cleared resonated IMMEDIATELY AND ACCURATELY. My only “complaint” is that I want to work on everything and anything right now! 🤣 ~Isabel
I’m feeling relief from my shoulder pain and I now have a much greater understanding of my feelings of dread regarding my early childhood. Additionally, I have a better grasp of what my parents were dealing with when I was young and in utero. ~Anna
I felt an immediate shift after our session. I did feel emotional and reflective in the few days after. I'm feeling good though. I am definitely in a better head space than I was when I walked into your office. Thank you so much and it's nice to know I have that in my back pocket if I feel like I need to have a session in the future. ~Anna
The last session was incredible. It's kind of hard to describe, but I am in a much better mood in general. It really feels like when the sun comes out for the 1st time on a cloudy day...when you almost forget that it was cloudy to begin with. I thought it would pass in a day or two but it has persisted.
I'm very excited for future sessions. Thanks!! ~Eric
I just want to thank you again. There has not been session when I have not physically felt the amazing energy work that you do. These relieving sessions not only ease my physical situation but also evolve my mental and Spiritual growth to a fuller understanding so much beyond the physical body. I am not new to holistic and Spiritual living and growing- 20 years in- and yet you have opened me up to deeper growth and connection. Your kindness and compassion and cheerleading is the beautiful wrapping paper and bow on this wonderful gift! ~Lillie
I came to Kim about a year ago to seek help for persistent headaches that were affecting me for two years. I had a bunch of tests done, but all came back clear. I even went to a naturopathic doctor to see if there was anything they could diagnose - nothing. I was skeptical of energy healing, but decided to give it a try as I felt I had exhausted all other options.
After my first session, I did not notice anything immediate. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my anxiety, something that has increased dramatically for years prior, was way less! When I looked back, I realized it started to be less around when I first saw Kim. I haven’t had an anxiety attack in over a year and things that would normally cause them no longer did.
I went back to Kim a second time to focus more solely on the headaches. While I still get headaches, the intensity and frequency has decreased. It is truly amazing.
Prior to Energy Session...
Daisy is a stray [cat] that was living on my porch. I brought her into my kitchen 2 weeks ago when the weather got very cold. She is affectionate but slightly skittish. I would like to keep her but she shows some aggression to my house cat (through glass door, they are kept separate). Lily,[my house cat] is healthy, sweet, and spunky. She has been my only pet since she was a kitten. She is very attached to me but aloof with other people. I would like Lily and Daisy to get along. Lily has gotten less aggressive but still lunges at the door when she sees the stray.
A Week Later After One Energy Session...
Lily and Daisy are doing well. I am able to keep them together when I am home. Lily bullies her a little bit but Daisy just ignores her or runs away.
I can leave them alone together now and when I am giving them treats they touch noses and eat face to face ❤️ I'm hoping to get another session for them both soon.
I went out to dinner twice and lunch once since we have seen each other and the first time I felt some intense anxiety but then it passed. No panic attack. Then the second time, anxiety was there but a little less and more easily dismissed. The last time I had absolutely no anxiety at all. My body felt relaxed and I was able to really enjoy my meal. This is the first time in SO long I was able to. It felt amazing. I am usually triggered by sitting down to dinner.
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