Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
- Saint Augustine
Human beings have practiced energy-based healing for as long as there has been religion. Suffice to say, prayer is a form of energy healing. Only over the last 200 years, with the dawn of Western medicine, has spirituality been less thought of as an actual healing modality. Since the early existence of mankind, there have been Shamans who acted as spiritual practitioners who typically had a deep understanding of the human body, medicinal herbs, and spiritual healing practices. From the pyramids' believed ability to focus supernatural energies to promote wellness to acupuncture being the oldest formal type of energy medicine established thousands of years ago, energy’s ability to optimize health was commonly practiced, valued and accepted by the masses. Balancing one’s energy became a focus with Chinese self-cultivation practices such as Qi Gong, founded on the belief that all matter is pulsing with vital energy they called Chi. The Indian culture also created its own counterpart of Yoga which balances its own version of universal energy known as Prana.
When the dawn of scientific study evolved in the Middle Ages, the divide in belief systems began between modalities born from scientific inquiry and those based on energetic principles. In the 1800’s, scientific study united with energy in the creation of Homeopathy which was developed by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann showed how water can be used as a container for energy in that when a substance is placed into water and extensively diluted, although the water no longer contained an actual molecule of the original substance, the energy of the herb or mineral added was still encapsulated in it. Homeopathy quickly became its own complete medicinal system that to this day is used by over 300 million people worldwide making Homeopathy the 2nd largest system of medicine in the World according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Energy medicine continued to flourish even after the days of Hahnemann with modalities such as Bach Flower remedies, aromatherapy, and Reiki making their presence known. In more recent times, science and the practice of energy healing have reunited again as studies in bioelectricity and Quantum Mechanics now provide scientific theories behind the impact of energy on the human body. Today, the popularity of energy healing is emerging even further as we recognize limitations in Western medicine and seek other means that may help to promote prime mental and physical health.
Everything in the world is energy including us! Each part of our body has an energetic field, including our organs and tissues. Similarly, thoughts, emotions, and experiences are all energy and interact with our body's energy in unique ways. In fact, every emotion has its own unique frequency (vibration). Emotions such as fear, shame, guilt and anger vibrate at the lowest of frequencies. Love, peace, joy and gratitude resonate at very high vibrations ("good vibes"). When we experience upsetting feelings, the negative emotional energy can be inadequately processed. As a result, it can become stuck or "trapped" in the body and it can remain there for months to years to a lifetime. Negative energies created by trapped emotions can cause a distorting effect on the normal energy field of the body which can manifest into an energetic imbalance within us. The impacts of these imbalances can affect us in a variety of ways. They may lead to physical discomfort or emotional distress. Using the Emotion Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, we can identify these energetic imbalances or blockages and remove them.
The Emotion Code is a painless, non-invasive process to free yourself of this "emotional baggage". Muscle testing, a form of biofeedback, is utilized to access information that is stored in your subconscious mind. It involves a simple process of asking yes/no questions and accessing the answers from your subconscious. Once identified, the practitioner is able to release these trapped emotions by running their hand over the client's major "energy highway" known in Traditional Chinese Medicine as the governing meridian which runs over the head and down the spine.
The Emotion Code allows us to release these emotions without the need to analyze, discuss, or re-live the experiences that may have trapped these emotions in the first place. By utilizing this holistic modality, many people have found that it helps to ease physical discomfort, lessen emotional distress and negative thinking, conquer self-doubt and anxiousness, allow more openness to love and relationships, and more.
A Heart-Wall is made of one or more trapped emotions (see Emotion Code description) that the subconscious mind uses to surround the heart as a protective barrier against emotional pain.
How is a Heart Wall created?
The Heart-Wall is usually created in response to emotional distress. The subconscious mind uses pre-existing trapped emotions to form the wall. Therefore, the Heart-Wall may be made up of any emotion(s), new or old.
What “symptoms” can Heart Walls cause?
Because the heart wall remains even when the stress/trauma has passed, a Heart-Wall may cause you to feel disconnected from others, less able to give and receive love fully, lonely, sad, anxious, unmotivated and can cause physical discomfort as well since there is a breakdown in communication between the heart and other systems of the body.
Where do the Heart Wall emotions come from?
● Your own life experiences
● Your experiences in utero
● Absorbed from someone else you have been closely connected with
● Shared with someone else - Shared heart walls are produced from people
experiencing the same event and responding emotionally in the same way. Shared emotions need only be released in one person in order to release from everyone else since it is the same vibrational frequency,
● Preconception - Preconception heart wall emotions become lodged in the energy body prior to conception, but are not inherited from an ancestor.
● Inherited - Inherited heart wall emotions may go back many generations. Some may have affected your personality in an undesirable way, or may have caused you to have significant emotional and physical issues. An emotion is more likely to be passed from a parent to a child if the original emotional experience was significant and powerful. Inherited emotions released in one person will release in all those that inherited it since it is the same vibrational frequency.
The Body Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson is a Level 2 certification program that is only available to fully certified Emotion Code practitioners. Body Code addresses imbalances in the body which are related to various factors such as energetic influences, circuits & systems, toxins, pathogens, misalignments, and nutrition & lifestyle .
The Body Code is a sophisticated and complete method of body balancing. Anything that is imbalanced in the body is able to be identified using applied Kinesiology (muscle resistance testing) and corrected. The process involves identifying the underlying cause(s) to physical and/or emotional symptom(s) along with any associated imbalances. The Body Code system encompasses Emotion Code in that many bodily imbalances stem from energetic emotional origins.
Using the Body Code system, a practitioner may find out that the underlying cause of a client's low back pain is an imbalance in a bodily organ. In turn, the practitioner may also then discover that the imbalance in the organ is caused by a Trapped Emotion (negative emotional energy) from a past stressful and/or traumatic experience which occurred at a specific age. Once all the imbalances have been identified, the practitioner proceeds to correct the imbalances through energetic intention while swiping their hand over the Governing Meridian (main energetic "highway" in the body).
The Body Code tells the client the story of their distress and how they arrived at their current state of dis-ease. The system is directed, specific and oftentimes provides validation for why someone is experiencing their current symptoms, even those symptoms that may seem out-of-the-ordinary. This technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting underlying imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and malfunction in the body often disappear, the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or nonexistent.
The Belief Code uses mind-mapping technology to allow the subconscious to identify limiting beliefs that are not serving your highest good. Similar to a computer, our belief systems make up our “operating system” and therefore are the “hardware” which dictate our reality. Having a faulty belief system can result in trapping negative emotional energies and can create bodily energetic imbalances. For example, if someone has the belief of “I am not attractive.”, they will more likely experience and trap the emotion of low self-esteem, unworthiness, etc... throughout their lives. By making a change in your database storage system, we can make a change in our physical reality. As with emotions, belief systems are also made of energy and can be continually “running in the background” of our current reality. These beliefs are stored in the energy body, like trapped emotions. As a Certified Belief Code Practitioner, I can identify and release the energy of these beliefs, allowing you to create a more empowered state of being.
More on Beliefs…
A belief is a subjective view held by the subconscious mind that something is true or false, right or wrong, and is the filter through which life is viewed and experienced. Beliefs represent a global and absolute truth created by self-conclusion, suggestion, experiences and passed down by our ancestors. Only subconscious beliefs that don’t agree with conscious beliefs can be changed energetically. (Conscious beliefs can only be changed with conscious effort.) Belief systems may be made of negative programs, limiting beliefs, faulty core beliefs, broadcast messages, images, trapped emotions and more. By using muscle testing, you can ask the subconscious mind yes or no questions to determine what may be holding you back from aligning with your highest self or achieving your goals.
Quantum Touch involves a light touch around an affected area that focuses and amplifies energy by combining various breathing and body awareness exercises. This amplification of energy raises the energetic vibration (resonance) in the body allowing the innate healing ability of the body to take over. Quantum-Touch is a scientifically based, clinically tested, and reproducible energetic healing modality. It utilizes the Life Force Energy (recognized as Chi, Qi, and Prana in various cultures) of the body to promote optimal wellness. This gentle, non-invasive technique can help to reduce back, neck and joint discomfort. It can also assist in balancing organs, glands and systems, reducing muscle tension, inflammation, expediting recovery from injuries and more. In addition, receiving Quantum-Touch oftentimes leaves the recipient in a deep state of calm and overall wellbeing.
Quantum Touch utilizes the principle of resonance and entrainment. In physics, entrainment involves the idea that two different objects that are vibrating at different frequencies will "entrain" to each other and begin to vibrate at the same frequency. Examples of entrainment exist all around us. A tuning fork resonating a specific note will cause the same key of a piano to vibrate. Crickets chirp and frogs croak in unison. Women that live in close proximity to each other will begin to experience similar menstrual cycles. With Quantum Touch, the practitioner places this field of high energy around an area of discomfort . Subsequently, the body will then entrain to this high energy vibration which promotes healing to occur.
GRACED is a spiritual energetic modality that looks to remove energy blockages that are preventing you from achieving a set goal. For example, this goal may involve your desire to reduce physical and/or emotional discomfort or to simply live a more content life. Using the GRACED technique along with Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code, we will identify and release these energy blockages which will then allow you to increase your vibration by receiving the unique frequencies needed to assist you in achieving your goal. In essence, we will be replacing energetic vibrations that no longer serve you with higher resonating positive energies.
AO Scan Technology began as a $38,000 machine in 2008, and it is now a hand-held body scanner, bio feedback device, frequency generator, and affordable educational tool. With seven easy-to-use programs, it identifies energetic imbalances in the body by comparing them to blueprint frequencies that have been identified as the optimal vibrations for every human. The device then generates balancing frequencies to help guide the body to homeostasis. Quantum Origins is proud to partner with Solex as a registered Quantum Living Advocate to offer you the opportunity to experience this technology for yourself. Learn More.
Are you ready to experience the benefits of AO Technology? Quantum Origins offers several options to get started.
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