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Depending on your needs and the time available, energy session methods and techniques will vary. All energy sessions will start with a brief discussion of concerns/intentions. Keep in mind that details are not necessary when it comes to quantum healing.
Energy sessions may include some or all of the following: grounding, opening/aligning energy centers, releasing common trapped emotions and/or heart wall emotions, identifying and releasing energetic imbalances in the body using The Body Code, identifying and releasing faulty Belief Systems using The Belief Code, identifying and adding positive frequencies to the client's energy field using the GRACED technique, the hands-on quantum healing technique known as Quantum Touch and more! (all of which can be done in-person or virtually).
If the session is in-person or virtual, you will be asked to be in a relaxed position such as lying down (if being seated is more comfortable, that is fine too). You should remove your shoes (socks are fine). I will ask you to close your eyes and visualize the state of being that you wish to achieve. If you prefer to meditate, do breath work or simply take a nap, that is fine too! I will hover my hands around various parts of your body as I work to release any energy blockages. I may also provide a light touch in specific areas. At the conclusion of the session, I will discuss with you what I did and inform you of any energetic imbalances that I identified and released along with many of the ages you were when the imbalances began. The entire session will be documented digitally and emailed to you at the conclusion of the session. You may ask questions at any time during our session.
I will act as your proxy by “connecting” energetically with your subconscious mind. After intention setting, I will use muscle testing to identify the trapped emotions and/or bodily energetic imbalances/misalignments/ belief systems that are contributing to your symptoms. For each energetic imbalance or trapped emotion found, I will run my hand over a small section of the Governing Meridian (main energetic highway in the body that runs from under the nose, over the head and down the spine), while holding the intention for the trapped emotion to be neutralized (“released”) or for the imbalance in the body to be corrected. I will continue with this process until your subconscious mind indicates either that there are no more energetic imbalances/ emotions/ beliefs contributing to your symptoms or that no more imbalances can be released at that session. Please note that it may take several sessions to release all of the trapped emotions and energetic imbalances contributing to your symptoms.
See "What is Quantum Touch?" and See "What is GRACED?"
On the short intake form you will complete during the booking process, I will ask you to briefly communicate your intention/concern(s) for the session. When we meet, I will be using applied kinesiology (muscle testing) to decide which method would best help you with the concerns that you have communicated. Sometimes multiple methods are used in one session and sometimes only one method will be utilized.
During a virtual session, I will ask you to set your intention for the session and focus on your desired outcome. Other than that, all that you need to do is relax. You can sit up or lie down. You should remove your shoes (socks are fine). If you wish to do deep breathing techniques, you are welcome to do so but it is not required. If you prefer to take a nap, that is fine too. The energy will be sent to you, wherever you are, and you just need to relax and accept it. I will be acting as your "proxy" meaning that I will be swiping my hand over my own governing meridian in order to release YOUR imbalances. If we are meeting via zoom, your camera does not have to stay on you the entire time. You just need to have the computer within ear shot so you can hear me when I am finished. At the conclusion of the session, I will discuss with you what I did and inform you of any energetic imbalances that were identified and released and I will inform you of the several of the ages you were when the imbalances began. Virtual session can be done via zoom or by phone. A detailed report will be emailed to you after the conclusion of the session.
Thanks to the wonders of Quantum Physics, energy work has no boundaries. Energy travels instantaneously to anywhere in the universe. As a result, virtual sessions are just as powerful as if you were sitting right next to the energy practitioner. Click here for my blog explaining the science behind this phenomenon.
Yes, I would be happy to do your virtual session by phone or zoom. The picture you will submit on the intake form will be enough for me to connect with your energy if you choose the phone option. When you complete the intake form during the booking process, you will be asked whether you prefer your session by phone or zoom. You will be provided a zoom link with your confirmation email if you chose the zoom option. If you chose the phone option, I will call you at the number you provide at your scheduled appointment time.
If your child is either young or resistant to energy medicine, I would suggest that you schedule a virtual session with me. The child does not have to be present on the zoom call. The picture you will submit on the intake form will be enough for me to connect with their energy. In addition, it doesn't matter whether the child is awake or sleeping during the energy session. If you prefer to do the session by phone, just email me to let me know your preference. Virtual/phone sessions of this nature must be scheduled by a legal guardian of the child (applies to children 0-18 years old)
I recommend waiting approximately one week before you schedule a follow-up session. It is important to make sure that all of the energy work is fully processed from the first session before we move on to the second. If sessions are scheduled too close together, I will not be able to release as many energy blockages.
Although Reiki is a more common energy modality, there are many other energy modalities that exist that require the use of different methods, principles and procedures. The quantum healing modalities utilized most often by Quantum Origins are different than Reiki and include Body Code, Emotion Code, Belief Code, GRACED, and Quantum Touch.
One great benefit to energy work is that it is never necessary to dig up painful past experiences and/or trauma. Energy blockages that result from emotional baggage of the past can be easily removed from the body without having to relive any painful memories. Details are never needed to make quantum healing effective. You are always welcome to share anything that you would like, but again, it is not necessary to do so.
If you are a returning client and are scheduling an “emailed results” session, you will choose an available time slot from my scheduling page. The session will be done during your chosen time slot. We will not meet in-person or by phone or zoom therefore we will not be speaking. During your time slot, I will release as many energy blockages as your body will allow in a 25 minute time block.
I will email you a report within 24 hours regarding what occurred during the session and any other pertinent information regarding your energy releases. This session is particularly beneficial to those that have busy lives and don’t have time to actually meet for a session. These sessions can be done for both people and animals.
Drink plenty of water before (and after) your energy session. Please complete the client intake form prior to your session which you will have access to through the booking process. Dress comfortably. You will not be asked to remove any clothing, other than your shoes (socks are fine). The only other exception would be items made of leather. Energy is absorbed much easier by leather compared to other fabrics therefore leather belts and leather clothing should be avoided. You should keep cell phones, watches and ear buds away from your body during the session. If your session is virtual, be in a location where you can be comfortable, such as a sofa, bed or comfortable chair. Listening to soothing music is fine during the session (preferably with no lyrics).
During the session, it is possible that you may have a temporary increased sensation in ANY area of the body. You may experience a heat sensation, coldness, tingling, brain fog or just increased tension. These sensations typically subside quickly once the session has ended. It is also possible when stirring up emotional energy that you may experience some emotional “residue” of whatever is being released from your body later that day or the next. After the session has ended, the most common side-effects are tiredness that night (and/or the following day), brain fog or possibly short-lived increased irritability or heightened emotional states. If you have pain in any area of your body, it is possible that there may be an initial uptick in the degree of pain experienced, as we are looking to activate the body's innate ability to heal which may involve some initial discomfort. As we “shake up” the energy in your body, there is some processing time that the body needs to get acclimated to its new energetic state of existence. Not all clients experience these 'processing" symptoms I am describing but it can happen. The good news is that these symptoms are usually short lived, and typically subside in 1-3 days.
Energy medicine has no boundaries. Although I cannot guarantee the results that you seek, my general philosophy is a "Let's try it and see" approach.
With my help, I have assisted clients in either fully resolving or improving the following symptoms. These are just some examples and are by no means an all-inclusive list.
Unfortuanately, results cannot be guaranteed. You are in control of your own journey. Although many clients see positive shifts and improvements in overall health after just one or a few sessions, your journey is your own.
Although guarantees cannot be made regarding any outcome, it is possible to experience instantaneous improvement during a session. More commonly, clients tend to experience improvements 1-4 days after the session. For others, it may take multiple sessions before improvement is consciously noticed. If your symptoms are not resolved in one session, do not assume that it is not working. Many clients come to me with decades of life experiences behind them so it is not always possible to release all of these layers of life experiences in just one session. In some cases, you may notice some improvement for a period of time and then your symptoms may start to return again. If this happens, it is an indicator that you are making progress with the energy work and that another "layer" has come to the surface and is ready to be released. As more sessions are done, typically clients' symptoms are kept at bay longer and longer until they are hopefully permanently resolved. The older we are, the more layers we have. Your body is only able to release a finite amount of energy per day therefore more sessions may be needed to release all that is necessary to help improve your symptoms.
Yes. Children have energy blockages just like grown-ups. Children tend to respond much faster to energy healing as they tend to not have as much emotional/ energetic baggage to release. Many energetic imbalances, including those of emotional origins, can be inherited down family lines so it is possible that a newborn has negative emotional energy that needs to be released from his/her ancestors. In addition, if a mother had a very stressful pregnancy (not just the birth), it is very likely that the child absorbed much of that emotional distress in utero from the mother. Good news is that ALL of it can be identified and released via quantum healing.
Quantum Origins would be happy to help most animals such as dogs, cats, chickens, horses and more! I do not work with any wild animals. Animal sessions are only done virtually. If scheduling a zoom session, the animal does not need to be present with you during the zoom call. A picture of the animal is just fine. It does not matter if the animal is awake or sleeping.
The roots of energy healing date back to the dawn of civilization. Many argue that prayer itself is the first form of energy healing ever used on planet Earth.
The misconception that energy healing is at odds with religious beliefs has led some individuals to feel uneasy. From a Christian perspective, The Bible recounts healing miracles performed by Jesus and his disciples. These miracles, which include the restoration of sight, healing of the sick, and even raising the dead, emphasize the power of Faith, intention, and divine energy. These narratives demonstrate that energy healing, in various forms, is well within the realm of religious belief. By recognizing the common ground between energy healing and ANY Faith practice, individuals can embrace energy healing as a way to enhance their spiritual and physical well-being while honoring their religious convictions.
Unfortunately, there is not an easy answer to this common question. In this type of work, it is not possible to guarantee any desired outcome and therefore it is also not possible to know how many sessions it will take to resolve your concerns. There are clients that experience resolution in only one session. Yet, there are other clients that need multiple sessions in order to get to the core of their issue.
Yes! Other than the obvious of nourishing your body with good food, exercise and sunshine, you can also facilitate your own healing by using your mind. Many people will agree that negative thoughts will make you unhealthy, but many don’t realize that the opposite is true as well. Healing doesn’t initiate in the body. It starts with the mind. It starts with one thought. All thoughts are energy. Positive thoughts (energy) elicit communication among cells that “all is good” in your biological world even if your world is consciously not good right now. Meditation is a great way to keep these positive thoughts flowing!
Kim is a certified Quantum Touch practitioner. To receive her certification, she was required to take 3 classes offered by Quantum Touch Inc. and she has documented over 100 hours of working with clients during her certification process which took approximately six months to complete. Kim received her certification as an Emotion Code practitioner by successfully completing extensive coursework offered by Discovery Healing Inc in addition to completing a portfolio documenting all of her one-on-one sessions with various people and animals. She was advised by a mentor during this process. In addition, Kim received her Body Code certification from an intensive in-person multi-day training provided by Dr. Bradley Nelson, the founder of both Emotion Code and Body Code. During this training, she gained both a depth of knowledge of Body Code along with many hours of one-on-one practical experiences which was overseen by Dr. Bradley Nelson himself and his Discover Healing staff. Lastly, Kim received her certification as a Belief Code practitioner by successfully completing over 10 hours of direct instruction provided by Discover Healing Inc. In order to complete her certification, she had to successfully complete various benchmark assessments and a portfolio that documented her one-on-one practice sessions which was overseen and approved by her student advisor.
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